
Obesity Surgery

The heart of the matter

The obesity surgery unit treats patients suffering from this chronic condition. In extreme situations obesity can lead to complications and serious problems in everyday life.

Modern living styles have made it very difficult to reduce obesity and maintain weight loss over the long-term. When increased exercise and a balanced diet are not sufficient for sustainable results, obesity surgery may be recommended.

6 to 12 month preparative procedure

Preparation before surgery

The decision to undergo obesity surgery must be an integral part of a personalised and coordinated healthcare program, recommended to you by the Hôpital Franco-Britannique.

The staff of theEndocrinology-Diabetology-Nutrition unit and the Digestive tract surgery unit will support you throughout your treatment.

Before undergoing obesity surgery, you must be fully aware of the nature of the intervention, preparation procedure, any associated conditions for success and the risks of failure.

At the Hôpital Franco-Britannique, you will receive a global treatment approach thanks to our multi-disciplinary team of endocrinologists, bariatric surgeons, plastic surgeons and dieticians.

The different surgical techniques


Gastric Ring

This involves fitting an adjustable ring around the upper section of the stomach to reduce its capacity. Advantages: reversible, almost-zero mortality rate. Disadvantages: morbidity, discomfort, moderate success-rate.


Sleeve Gastrectomy

This involves removing a part of the stomach to transform it into a tube. Advantages: significant weight-loss, low morbidity, very few nutritional deficiencies Disadvantages: irreversible, potential mortality rate


Gastric Bypass

Involves the formation of a small gastric pouch and an intestinal short-circuit to reduce the absorption of ingested food. Advantages: significant weight-loss, very effective for diabetes
Disadvantages: nutritional deficiencies, 1% mortality rate, potential long-term complications.

Practical information

Healthcare executive Magali RENUCCI
Make an appointment: 01 46 39 22 00


Dr Hubert RICHA

Abdominal Surgeon

  • Head of Service

4 rue Kléber – 92300 Levallois

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Dr Grégoire  DEROIDE

Abdominal Surgeon

4 rue Kléber – 92300 Levallois

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Dr Frédéric BRANGER

Abdominal Surgeon

4 rue Kléber – 92300 Levallois

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