A.R.CA.D Foundation
The A.R.CA.D foundation, Aide et Recherche en Cancérologie Digestive (Digestive Cancerology Support and Research), was initiated by Professor Aimery de Gramont, and was officially recognised for its public utility by State Council decree on the 22 December 2006.
Its objectives are as follows:
- to inform and support patients with digestive cancers,
- to support and promote clinical research and quality care for patients,
- to ensure public and healthcare industry awareness and thus increase prevention and screening effectiveness.
The Paris Pathology Institute
The Institut de Pathologie de Paris (IPP – Paris Pathology Institute) was founded in 2006 by a group of anatomical-cytology-pathology specialists.
The IPP accepts all types of human tissue samples and applies an extensive list of tests to provide guidance to clinicians, surgeons and prescribers.
The ADK92 association
The “ADK92” association for cancer screening in the Hauts-de-Seine, was created in June 2002, it aims to implement State promoted cancer screening programs across the Hauts-de-Seine region.