Consensus statement on essential patient characteristics in systemic treatment trials for metastatic colorectal cancer: Supported by the ARCAD Group. Goey KKH, Sørbye H, Glimelius B, Adams RA, André T, Arnold D, Berlin JD, Bodoky G, de Gramont A, Díaz-Rubio E, Eng C, Falcone A, Grothey A, Heinemann V, Hochster HS, Kaplan RS, Kopetz S, Labianca R, Lieu CH, Meropol NJ, Price TJ, Schilsky RL, Schmoll HJ, Shacham-Shmueli E, Shi Q, Sobrero AF, Souglakos J, Van Cutsem E, Zalcberg J, van Oijen MGH, Punt CJA, Koopman M. Eur J Cancer. 2018 Sep;100:35-45
Co-targeting poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) in triple-negative breast cancer: Higher synergism in BRCA mutated cells. Marijon H, Lee DH, Ding L, Sun H, Gery S, de Gramont A, Koeffler HP.Biomed Pharmacother. 2018 Mar;99:543-551.
Overweight is associated to a better prognosis in metastatic colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of FFCD trials. Aparicio T, Ducreux M, Faroux R, Barbier E, Manfredi S, Lecomte T, Etienne PL, Bedenne L, Bennouna J, Phelip JM, François E, Michel P, Legoux JL, Gasmi M, Breysacher G, Rougier P, De Gramont A, Lepage C, Bouché O, Seitz JF; for FFCD investigators. Eur J Cancer. 2018 Jul;98:1-9.
Low-level postoperative carcinoembryonic antigen improves survival outcomes stratification in patients with stage II colon cancer treated with standard adjuvant treatments. Auclin E, André T, Taieb J, Benetkiewicz M, de Gramont A, Vernerey D. Eur J Cancer. 2018 Jul;97:55-56.
MODUL-a multicenter randomized clinical trial of biomarker-driven maintenance therapy following first-line standard induction treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: an adaptable signal-seeking approach. Schmoll HJ, Arnold D, de Gramont A, Ducreux M, Grothey A, O’Dwyer PJ, Van Cutsem E, Hermann F, Bosanac I, Bendahmane B, Mancao C, Tabernero J. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2018 Jun;144(6):1197-1204.
Three Versus 6 Months of Oxaliplatin-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients With Stage III Colon Cancer: Disease-Free Survival Results From a Randomized, Open-Label, International Duration Evaluation of Adjuvant (IDEA) France, Phase III Trial. André T, Vernerey D, Mineur L, Bennouna J, Desrame J, Faroux R, Fratte S, Hug de Larauze M, Paget-Bailly S, Chibaudel B, Bez J, Dauba J, Louvet C, Lepere C, Dupuis O, Becouarn Y, Mabro M, Egreteau J, Bouche O, Deplanque G, Ychou M, Galais MP, Ghiringhelli F, Dourthe LM, Bachet JB, Khalil A, Bonnetain F, de Gramont A, Taieb J; for PRODIGE investigators, GERCOR, Fédération Française de Cancérologie Digestive, and UNICANCER. J Clin Oncol. 2018 May 20;36(15):1469-1477.
Bevacizumab-based first-line chemotherapy in elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: an individual patient data based meta-analysis. Koch C, Schwing AM, Herrmann E, Borner M, Diaz-Rubio E, Dotan E, Feliu J, Okita N, Souglakos J, Arkenau HT, Porschen R, Koopman M, Punt CJA, de Gramont A, Tournigand C, Zeuzem S, Trojan J. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 20;9(12):10272-10283.
Combinations of Bevacizumab and Erlotinib Show Activity in Colorectal Cancer Independent of RAS Status. Mésange P, Bouygues A, Ferrand N, Sabbah M, Escargueil AE, Savina A, Chibaudel B, Tournigand C, André T, de Gramont A, Larsen AK. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Jun 1;24(11):2548-2558.
Prognostic value of primary tumour resection in synchronous metastatic colorectal cancer: Individual patient data analysis of first-line randomised trials from the ARCAD database. van Rooijen KL, Shi Q, Goey KKH, Meyers J, Heinemann V, Diaz-Rubio E, Aranda E, Falcone A, Green E, de Gramont A, Sargent DJ, Punt CJA, Koopman M. Eur J Cancer. 2018 Mar;91:99-106.
Personalizing Survival Predictions in Advanced Colorectal Cancer: The ARCAD Nomogram Project. Sjoquist KM, Renfro LA, Simes RJ, Tebbutt NC, Clarke S, Seymour MT, Adams R, Maughan TS, Saltz L, Goldberg RM, Schmoll HJ, Van Cutsem E, Douillard JY, Hoff PM, Hecht JR, Tournigand C, Punt CJA, Koopman M, Hurwitz H, Heinemann V, Falcone A, Porschen R, Fuchs C, Diaz-Rubio E, Aranda E, Bokemeyer C, Souglakos I, Kabbinavar FF, Chibaudel B, Meyers JP, Sargent DJ, de Gramont A, Zalcberg JR; Fondation Aide et Recherche en Cancerologie Digestive Group (ARCAD). J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018 Jun 1;110(6):638-648.
Prognostic value of c-MET in head and neck cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregate data. Szturz P, Budíková M, Vermorken JB, Horová I, Gál B, Raymond E, de Gramont A, Faivre S. Oral Oncol. 2017 Nov;74:68-76. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2017.09.009. Epub 2017 Sep 27. Review.
The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights, update and implementation 2016. Højgaard L, Löwenberg B, Selby P, Lawler M, Banks I, Law K, Albreht T, Armand JP, Barbacid M, Barzach M, Bergh J, Cameron D, Conte P, de Braud F, de Gramont A, De Lorenzo F, Diehl V, Diler S, Erdem S, Geissler J, Gore-Booth J, Henning G, Horgan D, Jassem J, Johnson P, Kaasa S, Kapitein P, Karjalainen S, Kelly J, Kienesberger A, La Vecchia C, Lacombe D, Lindahl T, Luzzatto L, Malby R, Mastris K, Meunier F, Murphy M, Naredi P, Nurse P, Oliver K, Pearce J, Pelouchov J, Piccart M, Pinedo B, Spurrier-Bernard G, Sullivan R, Tabernero J, Van de Velde C, van Herk B, Vedsted P, Waldmann A, Weller D, Wilking N, Wilson R, Yared W, Zielinski C, Zur Hausen H, Le Chevalier T, Johnston P. ESMO Open. 2017 Jan 6;1(6):e000127.
Prospective validation of a lymphocyte infiltration prognostic test in stage III colon cancer patients treated with adjuvant FOLFOX. Emile JF, Julié C, Le Malicot K, Lepage C, Tabernero J, Mini E, Folprecht G, Van Laethem JL, Dimet S, Boulagnon-Rombi C, Allard MA, Penault-Llorca F, Bennouna J, Laurent-Puig P, Taieb J; PETACC8 Study Investigators; Austrian Breast and Colorectal cancer Study Group (ABCSG); Belgian Group of Digestive Oncology (BGDO); Lone Nørgård Petersen; Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive (FFCD); Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (UNICANCER); Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer Association Européenne de Recherche en Oncologie (AERO); Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO); Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dei Carcinomi dell’Apparato Digerente (GISCAD); Gruppo Oncologico dell’Italia Meridionale (GOIM); Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo (IOR); Gruppo Cooperativo Chirurgico Italiano (GOCCI); Gruppo Oncologico Nord Ovest (GONO); Gruppo Oncologico Italiano di Ricerca Clinica (GOIRC); Gruppo Cooperativo do Cancro Digestivo da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Oncológica (GCCD, APIO); Grupo Español para el Tratamiento de los Tumores Digestivos (TTD); John Allen Bridgewater. Eur J Cancer. 2017 Sep;82:16-24.
Improving Outcomes in Patients with CRC: The Role of Patient Reported Outcomes-An ESDO Report. Van Cutsem E, De Gramont A, Henning G, Rougier P, Bonnetain F, Seufferlein T. Cancers (Basel). 2017 May 26;9(6). pii: E59.
A need to simplify informed consent documents in cancer clinical trials. A position paper of the ARCAD Group. Bleiberg H, Decoster G, de Gramont A, Rougier P, Sobrero A, Benson A, Chibaudel B, Douillard JY, Eng C, Fuchs C, Fujii M, Labianca R, Larsen AK, Mitchell E, Schmoll HJ, Sprumont D, Zalcberg J. Ann Oncol. 2017 May 1;28(5):922-930.
How health-related quality of life assessment should be used in advanced colorectal cancer clinical trials. Bonnetain F, Borg C, Adams RR, Ajani JA, Benson A, Bleiberg H, Chibaudel B, Diaz-Rubio E, Douillard JY, Fuchs CS, Giantonio BJ, Goldberg R, Heinemann V, Koopman M, Labianca R, Larsen AK, Maughan T, Mitchell E, Peeters M, Punt CJA, Schmoll HJ, Tournigand C, de Gramont A. Ann Oncol. 2017 Sep 1;28(9):2077-2085.
Clinical Calculator for Early Mortality in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: An Analysis of Patients From 28 Clinical Trials in the Aide et Recherche en Cancérologie Digestive Database. Renfro LA, Goldberg RM, Grothey A, Sobrero A, Adams R, Seymour MT, Heinemann V, Schmoll HJ, Douillard JY, Hurwitz H, Fuchs CS, Diaz-Rubio E, Porschen R, Tournigand C, Chibaudel B, Hoff PM, Kabbinavar FF, Falcone A, Tebbutt NC, Punt CJA, Hecht JR, Souglakos J, Bokemeyer C, Van Cutsem E, Saltz L, de Gramont A, Sargent DJ; ARCAD Clinical Trials Program. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Jun 10;35(17):1929-1937.
Understanding c-MET signalling in squamous cell carcinoma of the head & neck. Szturz P, Raymond E, Abitbol C, Albert S, de Gramont A, Faivre S. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2017 Mar;111:39-51.
BRAF-Mutated Colorectal Cancer: What Is the Optimal Strategy for Treatment? Cohen R, Cervera P, Svrcek M, Pellat A, Dreyer C, de Gramont A, André T. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2017 Feb;18(2):9.
Ribociclib for HR-Positive, Advanced Breast Cancer. de Gramont A, Herrera A, de Gramont A. N Engl J Med. 2017 Jan 19;376(3):288-289. No abstract available.
MABp1 as a novel antibody treatment for advanced colorectal cancer: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study. Hickish T, Andre T, Wyrwicz L, Saunders M, Sarosiek T, Kocsis J, Nemecek R, Rogowski W, Lesniewski-Kmak K, Petruzelka L, Apte RN, Mohanty P, Stecher M, Simard J, de Gramont A. Lancet Oncol. 2017 Feb;18(2):192-201.
Franko J, Shi Q, Meyers JP, Maughan TS, Adams RA, Seymour MT, Saltz L, Punt CJA, Koopman M, Tournigand C, Tebbutt NC, Diaz-Rubio E, Souglakos J, Falcone A, Chibaudel B, Heinemann V, Moen J, De Gramont A, Sargent DJ, Grothey A; Analysis and Research in Cancers of the Digestive System (ARCAD) Group. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Dec;17(12):1709-1719.
Efficacy of a sequential treatment strategy with GEMOX-based followed by FOLFIRI-based chemotherapy in advanced biliary tract cancers. Sebbagh S, Roux J, Dreyer C, Neuzillet C, de Gramont A, Orbegoso C, Hentic O, Hammel P, de Gramont A, Raymond E, André T, Chibaudel B, Faivre S. Acta Oncol. 2016 Sep – Oct;55(9-10):1168-1174.
Time to Definitive Health-Related Quality of Life Score Deterioration in Patients with Resectable Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Treated with FOLFOX4 versus Sequential Dose-Dense FOLFOX7 followed by FOLFIRI: The MIROX Randomized Phase III Trial. Hamidou Z, Chibaudel B, Hebbar M, Hug de Larauze M, André T, Louvet C, Brusquant D, Garcia-Larnicol ML, de Gramont A, Bonnetain F. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 16;11(6):e0157067.
New Therapeutic Opportunities Based on DNA Mismatch Repair and BRAF Status in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Cohen R, Svrcek M, Dreyer C, Cervera P, Duval A, Pocard M, Fléjou JF, de Gramont A, André T. Curr Oncol Rep. 2016 Mar;18(3):18. doi: 10.1007/s11912-016-0504-2. Review.
Determinants of Early Mortality Among 37,568 Patients With Colon Cancer Who Participated in 25 Clinical Trials From the Adjuvant Colon Cancer Endpoints Database. Cheung WY, Renfro LA, Kerr D, de Gramont A, Saltz LB, Grothey A, Alberts SR, Andre T, Guthrie KA, Labianca R, Francini G, Seitz JF, O’Callaghan C, Twelves C, Van Cutsem E, Haller DG, Yothers G, Sargent DJ. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Apr 10;34(11):1182-9.
Chemoradiotherapy with FOLFOX plus cetuximab in locally advanced oesophageal cancer: The GERCOR phase II trial ERaFOX. Lledo G, Huguet F, Chibaudel B, Di Fiore F, Mineur L, Galais MP, Artru P, Blondin V, Dupuis O, Abdiche MS, Jovenin N, Pozet A, Bonnetain F, Attia M, Dahan L, de Gramont A. Eur J Cancer. 2016 Mar;56:115-121.
Impact of Patient Factors on Recurrence Risk and Time Dependency of Oxaliplatin Benefit in Patients With Colon Cancer: Analysis From Modern-Era Adjuvant Studies in the Adjuvant Colon Cancer End Points (ACCENT) Database. Shah MA, Renfro LA, Allegra CJ, André T, de Gramont A, Schmoll HJ, Haller DG, Alberts SR, Yothers G, Sargent DJ. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Mar 10;34(8):843-53.
PEPCOL: a GERCOR randomized phase II study of nanoliposomal irinotecan PEP02 (MM-398) or irinotecan with leucovorin/5-fluorouracil as second-line therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer. Chibaudel B, Maindrault-Gœbel F, Bachet JB, Louvet C, Khalil A, Dupuis O, Hammel P, Garcia ML, Bennamoun M, Brusquant D, Tournigand C, André T, Arbaud C, Larsen AK, Wang YW, Yeh CG, Bonnetain F, de Gramont A. Cancer Med. 2016 Apr;5(4):676-83.
Maintenance treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer. Chibaudel B, Bonnetain F, Tournigand C, de Gramont A. Lancet Oncol. 2015 Dec;16(16):e583-4.
Therapeutic strategy in unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer: an updated review. Chibaudel B, Tournigand C, Bonnetain F, Richa H, Benetkiewicz M, André T, de Gramont A. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2015 May;7(3):153-69.
Adjuvant Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Oxaliplatin in Stage II to III Colon Cancer: Updated 10-Year Survival and Outcomes According to BRAF Mutation and Mismatch Repair Status of the MOSAIC Study. André T, de Gramont A, Vernerey D, Chibaudel B, Bonnetain F, Tijeras-Raballand A, Scriva A, Hickish T, Tabernero J, Van Laethem JL, Banzi M, Maartense E, Shmueli E, Carlsson GU, Scheithauer W, Papamichael D, Möehler M, Landolfi S, Demetter P, Colote S, Tournigand C, Louvet C, Duval A, Fléjou JF, de Gramont A. J Clin Oncol. 2015 Dec 10;33(35):4176-87.
Body Mass Index Is Prognostic in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Pooled Analysis of Patients From First-Line Clinical Trials in the ARCAD Database. Renfro LA, Loupakis F, Adams RA, Seymour MT, Heinemann V, Schmoll HJ, Douillard JY, Hurwitz H, Fuchs CS, Diaz-Rubio E, Porschen R, Tournigand C, Chibaudel B, Falcone A, Tebbutt NC, Punt CJ, Hecht JR, Bokemeyer C, Van Cutsem E, Goldberg RM, Saltz LB, de Gramont A, Sargent DJ, Lenz HJ. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Jan 10;34(2):144-50.
Bevacizumab with or without erlotinib as maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (GERCOR DREAM; OPTIMOX3): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Tournigand C, Chibaudel B, Samson B, Scheithauer W, Vernerey D, Mésange P, Lledo G, Viret F, Ramée JF, Tubiana-Mathieu N, Dauba J, Dupuis O, Rinaldi Y, Mabro M, Aucoin N, Latreille J, Bonnetain F, Louvet C, Larsen AK, André T, de Gramont A. Lancet Oncol. 2015 Nov;16(15):1493-1505.
Managing synchronous liver metastases from colorectal cancer: a multidisciplinary international consensus. Adam R, de Gramont A, Figueras J, Kokudo N, Kunstlinger F, Loyer E, Poston G, Rougier P, Rubbia-Brandt L, Sobrero A, Teh C, Tejpar S, Van Cutsem E, Vauthey JN, Påhlman L; of the EGOSLIM (Expert Group on OncoSurgery management of LIver Metastases) group. Cancer Treat Rev. 2015 Nov;41(9):729-41.
Targeting cancer cell metabolism in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Cohen R, Neuzillet C, Tijeras-Raballand A, Faivre S, de Gramont A, Raymond E. Oncotarget. 2015 Jul 10;6(19):16832-47. Review.
STRATEGIC-1: A multiple-lines, randomized, open-label GERCOR phase III study in patients with unresectable wild-type RAS metastatic colorectal cancer. Chibaudel B, Bonnetain F, Tournigand C, de Larauze MH, de Gramont A, Laurent-Puig P, Paget J, Hadengue A, Notelet D, Benetkiewicz M, André T, de Gramont A.
BMC Cancer. 2015 Jul 4;15:496.
[DNA mismatch repair and BRAF status in colorectal cancer: Interest for the therapeutic management?]. Cohen R, Cervera P, Svrcek M, Dumont C, Garcia ML, Chibaudel B, de Gramont A, Pocard M, Duval A, Fléjou JF, André T. Bull Cancer. 2015 Jun;102(6 Suppl 1):S72-81.
Effects of TGF-beta signalling inhibition with galunisertib (LY2157299) in hepatocellular carcinoma models and in ex vivo whole tumor tissue samples from patients. Serova M, Tijeras-Raballand A, Dos Santos C, Albuquerque M, Paradis V, Neuzillet C, Benhadji KA, Raymond E, Faivre S, de Gramont A. Oncotarget. 2015 Aug 28;6(25):21614-27.
FOLFOX4 versus sequential dose-dense FOLFOX7 followed by FOLFIRI in patients with resectable metastatic colorectal cancer (MIROX): a pragmatic approach to chemotherapy timing with perioperative or postoperative chemotherapy from an open-label, randomized phase III trial. Hebbar M, Chibaudel B, André T, Mineur L, Smith D, Louvet C, Dutel JL, Ychou M, Legoux JL, Mabro M, Faroux R, Auby D, Brusquant D, Khalil A, Truant S, Hadengue A, Dalban C, Gayet B, Paye F, Pruvot FR, Bonnetain F, de Gramont A; Group Coopérateur Multidisciplinaire en Oncologie (GERCOR) Group. Ann Oncol. 2015 May;26(5):1040.
Efficacy and safety of trastuzumab in combination with oxaliplatin and fluorouracil-based chemotherapy for patients with HER2-positive metastatic gastric and gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma patients: a retrospective study. Soularue É, Cohen R, Tournigand C, Zaanan A, Louvet C, Bachet JB, Hentic O, Samalin E, Chibaudel B, de Gramont A, André T; for GERCOR. Bull Cancer. 2015 Apr;102(4):324-31.
Survival following early-stage colon cancer: an ACCENT-based comparison of patients versus a matched international general population†. Renfro LA, Grothey A, Kerr D, Haller DG, André T, Van Cutsem E, Saltz L, Labianca R, Loprinzi CL, Alberts SR, Schmoll H, Twelves C, Yothers G, Sargent DJ; Adjuvant Colon Cancer Endpoints (ACCENT) Group; Adjuvant Colon Cancer Endpoints ACCENT Group. Ann Oncol. 2015 May;26(5):950-8.
Induction therapy with cetuximab plus docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil (ETPF) in patients with resectable nonmetastatic stage III or IV squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. A GERCOR phase II ECHO-07 study. Chibaudel B, Lacave R, Lefevre M, Soussan P, Antoine M, Périé S, Belloc JB, Banal A, Albert S, Chabolle F, Céruse P, Baril P, Gatineau M, Housset M, Moukoko R, Benetkiewicz M, de Gramont A, Bonnetain F, Lacau St Guily J. Cancer Med. 2015 May;4(5):721-31.
Feasibility and survival of 2-stage hepatectomy for colorectal metastases: definition of a simple and early clinicopathologic predicting score. Faitot F, Soubrane O, Wendum D, Sandrini J, Afchain P, Balladur P, de Gramont A, Scatton O. Surgery. 2015 Mar;157(3):444-53.
Pragmatic issues in biomarker evaluation for targeted therapies in cancer. de Gramont A, Watson S, Ellis LM, Rodón J, Tabernero J, de Gramont A, Hamilton SR. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2015 Apr;12(4):197-212.
FOLFOX4 versus sequential dose-dense FOLFOX7 followed by FOLFIRI in patients with resectable metastatic colorectal cancer (MIROX): a pragmatic approach to chemotherapy timing with perioperative or postoperative chemotherapy from an open-label, randomized phase III trial. Hebbar M, Chibaudel B, André T, Mineur L, Smith D, Louvet C, Dutel JL, Ychou M, Legoux JL, Mabro M, Faroux R, Auby D, Brusquant D, Khalil A, Truant S, Hadengue A, Dalban C, Gayet B, Paye F, Pruvot FR, Bonnetain F, Landi B, Flesch M, Carola E, Martin P, Vaillant E, de Gramont A; Group Coopérateur Multidisciplinaire en Oncologie (GERCOR) Group. Ann Oncol. 2015 Feb;26(2):340-7.
Individual patient data analysis of progression-free survival versus overall survival as a first-line end point for metastatic colorectal cancer in modern randomized trials: findings from the analysis and research in cancers of the digestive system database. Shi Q, de Gramont A, Grothey A, Zalcberg J, Chibaudel B, Schmoll HJ, Seymour MT, Adams R, Saltz L, Goldberg RM, Punt CJ, Douillard JY, Hoff PM, Hecht JR, Hurwitz H, Díaz-Rubio E, Porschen R, Tebbutt NC, Fuchs C, Souglakos J, Falcone A, Tournigand C, Kabbinavar FF, Heinemann V, Van Cutsem E, Bokemeyer C, Buyse M, Sargent DJ. J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jan 1;33(1):22-8.