Quality control approach
The quality control approach covers all of the professionals working in a healthcare establishment. It is a public health issue in the sense that improvements to the quality of healthcare represent a benefit for patients.
The Hôpital Franco-Britannique has made quality and safety its priorities. It is committed to a structured continuous improvement approach with the aim of making patient treatment as efficient as possible throughout their stay at the hospital.
To achieve this, the HFB has been committed to a global risk management approach since 2005, this involves all of the hospital’s units and wards as well as its entire staff. This approach is fully integrated into the establishment’s existing strategic objectives and is aimed at creating a constant dynamic of progress.
The hospital’s quality control approach and risk management is coordinated by the Quality Control-Risk Management department which is staffed by the following individuals:
- Mme Hayat MEDERBEL, Head of Quality Mission and Risk Management
- Dr Françoise ISSARTEL, Healthcare related Risk Management Coordinator
The quality control/risk management department implements daily action plans throughout the hospital’s various sectors with the following objectives:
- to improve the quality of the treatment and services provided to patients,
- to continue the development of a risk management and safety culture policy.
The HFB is resolutely committed to a quality control approach and the prevention of risks.
It is regularly certified.
It evaluates the quality of its services annually.
It develops a risk prevention program for all of the hospital’s units and wards.
The staff of all of the Hôpital Franco-Britannique wards and units are committed to respecting the following charters: